What makes Kobe’s basketball shot so valuable even though he missed out more shots than other players?
Selected from dataset including 25,698 instances and 25 variables, I made models to predict which feature let Kobe has successful shooting rate.
After the individual analysis of Kobe, I have also created a dashboard with R Shiny to compare time-series analysis on a group of NBA players.
This is a text analysis project I have done for Nissan, by scrapping car reviews on different website to predict what key words will lead to the score of ratings by conducting vectors and NLP model.
-Drawing insights by nameplate based on ratings & frequency of key words that appear in reviews to identify competitive leverage & establishing Product/Brand positioning .
-Conducting sentiment analysis to assess overall trend of sentiment score
-NLP modeling to get deeper understanding of underlying consumer behavior
-Utilizing sentiment scores & processed data from data exploration against OAO & quality metrics
Tableau dashboard to show KPI in 2 FY years.